Mixcloud page and “Good Morning Sunshine”

May 22, 2014 § Leave a comment

When I started releasing records in 2003, I was immediately asked to do a mix to be played on radios. From as far back as I can remember, I’ve always loved making compilations for other people, so doing those mixes has actually been one of my favourite activities whenever I have a new album out. I put so much love into them that I think it’s just a shame that most of them are not available anymore, so I’ve started a Mixcloud page where I’ll be uploading all of the mixes I’ve done since 2003, in chronological order – I’ll try to do this once a week, and hopefully you’ll want to join me and have a listen!
Here is the first one, from May 2003, accompanying the release of my first album Everyone Alive Wants Answers.

Talking of unavailable material, I also recently realised that there is one song of mine that’s now virtually unavailable physically and which I still love, entitled “Good Morning Sunshine”, from 2002. It wasn’t included on Everyone Alive Wants Answers because it had already appeared on a compilation and on the Babies 7’’ released by Active Suspension at that time, and with hindsight, I kind of regret it, although it’s there in some way anyway, since “Goodbye Sunshine”, that does appear on the album, was based on the same samples. Here it is 12 years later, for all those of you who didn’t get the chance to hear it.

babies scan

Those of you following me on Facebook will already have read these news, so I apologize for the déjà vu, but I’m not forgetting those of you who are not so keen on Facebook, which is why I’m also posting these news here. Please remember that you can still check out my Facebook page even if you’re not a Facebook member! I will probably update the Facebook page more often than this news section, as I find it quicker to use for small updates and posting photos.

In case you missed them, here are a couple more photos of my studio where I’m currently recording my fifth album.

Let there be light - delay, headphones, sunlight - by Colleen

A popshield is a thing of beauty - by Colleen

As always thanks for your support! :-)

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