All my albums on Bandcamp and writing on birdwatching

November 14, 2016 § Leave a comment

I’m delighted to announce that you can now purchase my first three albums and the Boîtes à Musique EP released on The Leaf Label on my Bandcamp: digital of course, but also CDs of all four records (including a specially-priced bundle), and black vinyl and a few *white* vinyl copies of my first album Everyone Alive Wants Answers in the Leaf reissue of this year. And talking of vinyl, if all goes to plan, I should have more great news for next year!


On a seemingly unrelated note (but there *is* a relation: what nurtures my life nurtures my music ;-), Plateau on plateau, a new online platform that invites  artists to talk about their favorite things, asked me to write about something I really care about, and I felt it would be the ideal place to write about my passion for birdwatching. I’ve written tiny bits here and there about some of the birdwatching I’ve done while on tour, but I had never had the chance to try and articulate what it is about watching birds that feels so deeply special to me, so here goes! It even includes tips for beginning birdwatchers at the end, so now you can all ask for a pair of binoculars and a good bird guide for Christmas! ;-))) I’m leaving you with a picture of one of my absolute favorite birds, taken by the company I used in Lisbon on a great half-day of birdwatching I had while I was there for my last show in 2015,… this photo has actually been my desktop photo ever since then, I’m that much in love with them… please meet the incredible bee-eaters :-)))


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